The last thing anyone expects in paradise are GMO testing sites. And yet, vast swaths of the southern part of Kaua’i are becoming just that: open-aired laboratories for some biotech companies.
The last thing anyone expects in paradise are GMO testing sites. And yet, vast swaths of the southern part of Kaua’i are becoming just that: open-aired laboratories for some biotech companies.
As we start to acutely feel the negative effects of outdated regulatory policies (and sometimes simply a lack thereof), its time to push for change.
For a developing country of 5 million people, Costa Rica’s environmental policies include spectacular feats of long-term thinking and a dedicated commitment to the future.
I watched a TED Talk by the policy advisor Simon Anholt the other day, titled “Who would the rest of the world vote for in your country’s election?” He asserted the following: “I think that ifContinue reading
Costa Rica’s coasts, long renowned for being rich in biodiversity, have recently come under attack by industrial fishing. While living in the country for 10 months as a Hart Leadership Fellow, I interviewed fishermen onContinue reading
Since the 1950s, nearly 60% of Costa Rica’s forests have been cut at one period in time for the purpose of ranching.[i] Cows now graze on an estimated 35.5% of Costa Rica’s landmass, and accountContinue reading
It was the first truly warm day in Malibu, California—nearing 70 degrees. The sun had come up early, and sunshine poured down over the landscape in long sweeps of gold. I looked eagerly out theContinue reading
Did you ever imagine that such an unassuming ecosystem could be so essential to life on this planet?
What will happen to U.S. environmentalism during the reign of Trump? According to Trump’s “America First Energy Plan”, the administration plans to eliminate “harmful and unnecessary policies,” which evidently include the Climate Action Plan andContinue reading
The Obama administration has officially designated the rusty-patch bumblebee as endangered, making this tiny creature the first bee from the lower 48 states added to the Fish and Wildlife Service’s most serious register. WhileContinue reading