Category: travel

Anne Martin
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental policy, sustainability, travel, water

Fear as a Compass

I hope, as I move forward (throughout both my personal and professional life), that I continue to speak out from a place of love and passion for this beautiful planet. I hope to come back to the feeling I have in these circles again and again and again by continually putting myself out there. By raising my voice. By being both peaceful and wild. By being mostly rational and yet, and YET, being a firm believer in the impossible, too.

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Anne Martin
alumni, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, sustainability, travel, water

At Home Realities

I hope that we’ll take what we saw in Rio as a reminder of our own domestic environmental policies and regulatory failures. I hope we’ll continue to work to do better. I hope the kind of activism and determination that culminated in the Clean Water Act will carry into the future, uplifted on a new generation committed to local, regional, and national activism.

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