Trump may have pulled the United States federal government out of the Paris Climate Accord, but he can’t stand in the way of a dedicated citizenry determined to forge ahead.
Category: forests
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, forests, sustainability, travel, water
A Globalized View of Environmentalism
I watched a TED Talk by the policy advisor Simon Anholt the other day, titled “Who would the rest of the world vote for in your country’s election?” He asserted the following: “I think that ifContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental health, environmental policy, forests, sustainability, travel, water
Reforesting the Land in Costa Rica and Rethinking Grazing
Since the 1950s, nearly 60% of Costa Rica’s forests have been cut at one period in time for the purpose of ranching.[i] Cows now graze on an estimated 35.5% of Costa Rica’s landmass, and accountContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, forests, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
The Path of Greatest Resistance
The New York Times published a recent article titled “A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change”. The article centered on the fate of the Inupiat—a group that has livedContinue reading
Hoh Rainforest
I’m so thankful that places like this exist, reminding us that the wild does still have a commanding presence in corners of the world, and filling us with the strength and determination to protect all that remains.
Hope in the Wild
There are certain places, people, and experiences that change you fundamentally as a person. I’ve found that spending time in places that feel connected to something much greater than our human-made world make itContinue reading
Crater Lake
To say that Crater Lake is stunning would be an understatement—it is without a doubt a spectacular, almost other-worldly place.
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, forests, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
San Juan Islands
Heading out of San Francisco, my boyfriend and I met my parents in Washington state for a five-day sea kayaking trip in the San Juan Islands. We’d been hoping to meet them up there inContinue reading
Lessons from Woods
I still have hope that each generation may be wiser than the last, that there are people of all nations committed to making this world home again. I’m open to letting a dream carry us into the future…convinced that real change may come in acts of healing.
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, forests, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
Lessons from the Road
Be it the vision of the Amazon, or a view from the shore of a different sea…soil of a different texture or a tree with bark made of colors we have never before witnessed…a language we don’t know or a new alignment of the stars…may we be thankful for the time to reflect, and the chance to stand in wonder of life, to bask in the newness…thankful for the reminder that we are alive.