Conference poster printing tips to save money and reduce your travel load.
A look at some data from the 2nd annual Girls Exploring Science and Technology event, and thoughts on GEST’s growth and impact.
Last month I boarded flights to Arizona to attend the 10th annual Algae Biomass Summit hosted by the Algae Biomass Organization, whose mission is to “promote the development of viable technologies and commercial markets for renewable and sustainable products derived from algae.”
What inspired your environmental passion, and how do you provide those experiences to others? For younger ones, the great outdoors is an important start.
Last month I attended the Algae Biomass Summit in San Diego, where I learned from “algae farmers” and visited a facility that produces algae nutrient supplements. This post includes a video of photos and clips from my trip to San Diego.
This weekend I moved to Beaufort, home of the Duke Marine Laboratory and its new Orrin Pilkey research laboratory.
You run over a carpet of flattened green paper cups deposited on the pavement by thousands of runners ahead of you. Lined-up volunteers in official neon jackets offer the Poland Spring water and lemon-lime GatoradeContinue reading