You can change friends, but you can’t change neighbours. A visit to the NOAA Beaufort lab for their open house,
You can change friends, but you can’t change neighbours. A visit to the NOAA Beaufort lab for their open house,
Another academic year draws to an end and graduates are heading off all over. A turtle-inspired reflection on the year past and years ahead.
Joys of studying at the Marine Lab: clamming with friends on the weekend and getting our own seafood!
Being a fisherman has never been easy. The labour is ponderous, conditions out at sea can turn rough, and the bounty depends on the whims of Mother Nature. But being a fisherman in today’s environment isContinue reading
On sharks and fisheries, some food for thought this Lunar New Year.
On 2 February 1971, 18 nations met in Iran to sign the Convention on Wetlands. 45 years later, over 2000 Ramsar sites across the world conserve the diverse and productive ecosystem that is the wetlands. On the same day 45 years later, the 17 students returned to the Duke University Marine Lab after two weeks learning about marine ecology on St. John Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands.