Leading up to our journey to Kauai, we convened regularly to discuss the environmental, sociocultural, historical and to some degree the economic aspects of the Hawaiian Islands. Laced with though-provoking exercises, I began to developContinue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Plastics, Zodiacs and Whales, Oh My!

On day four of this amazing Hawaiian gallivant, we went whale watching. An uncomfortable, yet excited irony was tickling my senses as we drove toward our launch point. We had been discussing the destructive effectContinue reading
Malama ‘Aina to guarantee food accessibility and sustainability in Kauai
The Hawaiian words malama and aina have many different meanings in English. However, these words are very important to understand Hawaiian culture and their relationship with the land, nature and environment. In general terms, onContinue reading
Traditional knowledge as a strategy for resouces management

In August 2014 Hawaii Governor David Ige signed into law the first ever Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) for Hā‘ena, Kauai. The rule provides the community of Hā‘ena “hui” (group or club) an opportunityContinue reading
An unforgettable moment…
Limahuli National Botanical Gardens is a 1,000 acre preserve set in place to maintain the purity of the Limahuli stream and to protect endemic endangered species. According to the Limahuli website, “Preserves can be many thingsContinue reading
Poi Day
A few of us rose before dawn and loaded into Carlhey and Rebecca’s van, groggy but eager. Each Thursday, the Waipa Foundation hosts “Poi Day” – a community gathering on Hanalei where volunteers help processContinue reading
Sustainability through Native Hawaiian Taro Plant Farming Practices

Operating as a community-based non-profit program, the Waipa Foundation in Hanalei Bay in Kauai, Hawaii, works exhaustively to honor and communicate native Hawaiian land to sea sustainability practices. Interested learners through youth programs and workshopsContinue reading
Defining the Balancing Act: Reconciling Tourism and Culture on Kauai
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one littleContinue reading
Protecting Paradise
Lessons from the Hanalei Watershed Hui.
Loaded are packs, jumped on planes, crossed oceans, and here we are! Ten students have come to Kauai to explore and learn about restoration ecology from local community members and conservation projects. Follow us onContinue reading