A look at some data from the 2nd annual Girls Exploring Science and Technology event, and thoughts on GEST’s growth and impact.
Category: leadership
Girls experiment with algae in annual STEM outreach event
Each year I lead an activity at the FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, & Science) Capstone event on Duke’s campus. It is imperative to show younger generations of women that they can be the scientists, inventors and engineers of the future.
World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day is a Girl Scout tradition occurring annually on February 22nd. The goal is to celebrate international diversity and learn about other cultures.
Night at the Aquarium
The 5th Annual SciREN (Scientific Research and Education Network) Coast event occurred this week at the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, allowing local researchers to share lesson plans with educators from across eastern North Carolina.
coasts, Duke Marine Lab, environmental health, events, leadership, oceans, PhD, student life, students
Scouts Clean Up The Beach, But It’s Just Scratching The Surface
Our team of volunteers collectively removed hundreds of pounds of trash and recyclables from Radio Island Beach during Carteret County’s annual Big Sweep event. While clean-ups are a solution to one of the symptoms of our throw-away society, major changes in the way we design and manufacture products are needed to get to the root of the problem.
Experimenting with Algae Outreach Activities
At last year’s FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) Capstone event, I quickly realized the activity I designed wasn’t hands-on enough. So, I vowed to make a more hands-on activity this year.
A real-life marine biologist
“I’m really nervous,” one of the 4th graders in our Girl Scout troop quietly confessed to me. I inquired further and she explained, “I’ve never seen a marine biologist in real life before.”
Take Them Camping
What inspired your environmental passion, and how do you provide those experiences to others? For younger ones, the great outdoors is an important start.
STEM programs for Girls: The compost may smell, but it’s still fun.
“I found a worm!” was one of the excited exclamations we heard from numerous girls on Saturday as they dissected compost samples, learning the physical conditions and organic materials required to make compost. Saturday wasContinue reading