Maybe, just maybe, what is happening at Oroville will begin to wake up the American public to what is happening all around them when it comes to dams.
Maybe, just maybe, what is happening at Oroville will begin to wake up the American public to what is happening all around them when it comes to dams.
When people mention the Republic of Seychelles, plush beach vacations most often come to mind. However, these islands may soon be known for something else: marine reserves. With the help of the Nature Conservancy, SeychellesContinue reading
What will happen to U.S. environmentalism during the reign of Trump? According to Trump’s “America First Energy Plan”, the administration plans to eliminate “harmful and unnecessary policies,” which evidently include the Climate Action Plan andContinue reading
As this next semester comes to a close, I realize that this spring will mark two years since I graduated from Duke. Of course, I haven’t totally left the amazing Duke Environment team. Being aContinue reading
The New York Times published a recent article titled “A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change”. The article centered on the fate of the Inupiat—a group that has livedContinue reading
I’ve been watching the Standing Rock protest closely over the past few months. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the protest, conflict arose last year after the US Army Corps of Engineers failedContinue reading
I hope that we’ll take what we saw in Rio as a reminder of our own domestic environmental policies and regulatory failures. I hope we’ll continue to work to do better. I hope the kind of activism and determination that culminated in the Clean Water Act will carry into the future, uplifted on a new generation committed to local, regional, and national activism.
This family has proven that simple designs, natural storage, permaculture ideas, and organic pest and weed management can have not only environmental rewards, but great business success as well.
I’m ready to go as far and for as long as we can. My only expectation is to come back different.