This morning I woke up, turned on my cell phone, and knew what the sunset looked like in Japan. I saw a European Robin in England, all puffed up against the cold. I looked in awe at snowy peaks in the Himalayas. All without getting out of bed.
Tag: landscape
Maine Moose: An Unexpected Winter Sighting
Moose are an iconic species in Maine. They are the inspiration for thousands of stuffed animal variations, paintings, photographs, sculptures, even chocolate shapes. Yet, they can be difficult to see in the summer, and even more difficult in the winter. In fact, I had never seen a moose between the months of October and May. That is, until this year.
Searching for Snowy Owls Once Again
I ended 2014 and began 2015 in Maine, where temperatures shifted from the warm mid-forties to the bitterly cold single digits. Regardless of the weather however, Maine is always beautiful, and I was lucky enough to spend some time on the rocky coastline, searching for Snowy Owls.
Pushing My Limits at Linville Gorge
In life, it is important to be spontaneous. I am a planner by nature, but this past weekend decided to let my spontaneity fly when my fiance Brian suggested a camping trip to Linville Gorge.Continue reading
Blue Mountains at Waterrock Knob
I have fallen in love again. Not with a smile, a handshake, or even a person, but a stretch of mountains, layered in greens and blues as far as the eye can see. Finally, afterContinue reading
Inspiration from a Trip to Washington, DC
Sometimes it’s good to get away for a bit, even if “a bit” is a mere 36 hours. With that in mind last weekend I left my Durham worries behind and boarded the busContinue reading