I remain determined to visit all of the 175 state parks, trails and historic sites in Florida. In December, I officially crossed the three-digit threshold, and my current total stands at 101.
I remain determined to visit all of the 175 state parks, trails and historic sites in Florida. In December, I officially crossed the three-digit threshold, and my current total stands at 101.
Every year since 1934, hunters hoping to go after waterfowl or other migratory birds have been obligated to buy a Duck Stamp. Once purchased, 98 cents of every dollar spent on the stamp goes toContinue reading
I know a lot of scientists. Most are in the field of ecology and spend their days chest-deep in marsh mud, scrambling up mountain slopes, pulling themselves up tree trunks, diving to the depths ofContinue reading
The Department of Interior opened public comment, perhaps unprepared for the avalanche of responses. When the portal closed on July 10, 1,459,940 people had commented, including me. Make no mistake, this is a lot.
Snow had already begun to fall over Moosehead Lake. It had been an unseasonably warm December for Maine in 2015, but the temperature had dropped in recent days and was now hovering around 10 degrees withContinue reading
On May 13, smack in the middle of Mother’s Day weekend, birders fanned out across the world to count birds as well as bird species. Organized by eBird, an online bird observation platform run byContinue reading
In the midst of patchwork agricultural fields, grown tall with corn, my husband and I discovered Moores Creek National Battlefield. I use the word “discover” loosely, as the battlefield is clearly marked on the ruralContinue reading
2017 has been a year of reflection for me thus far. While there are many things I cannot control – national posturing on climate change, for example – I have taken stock in how IContinue reading
In my house, car and office, one will find a wide variety of checklists and site passports. On my couch sits a bright blue passport book listing National Wildlife Refuges, complete with refuge descriptions and aContinue reading
In health class, we often learned about food pyramids. Whole grains are on the bottom, because we need 5-7 servings per day. At the next level, we have fruits and veggies (two servings a dayContinue reading