Category: alumni

Anne Martin
alumni, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, sustainability, travel, water

At Home Realities

I hope that we’ll take what we saw in Rio as a reminder of our own domestic environmental policies and regulatory failures. I hope we’ll continue to work to do better. I hope the kind of activism and determination that culminated in the Clean Water Act will carry into the future, uplifted on a new generation committed to local, regional, and national activism.

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Anne Martin
alumni, environmental policy, ESC, sustainability, travel

Time in the Natural World

Truthfully, a lot of what is going on in the world, and a lot of what I study, is fundamentally violent. But paying attention to the violence we as a species continue to both consciously and unconsciously enact upon our Earth and each other only makes my walks in the woods feel ever more essential. I rely on the spiritual experience that the wilds provide me—the chance to go home—as a source of restoration and a reminder of our boundless power and agency to create change.

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