I hope that we’ll take what we saw in Rio as a reminder of our own domestic environmental policies and regulatory failures. I hope we’ll continue to work to do better. I hope the kind of activism and determination that culminated in the Clean Water Act will carry into the future, uplifted on a new generation committed to local, regional, and national activism.
Category: alumni
Rescue in the Towers
I sat in my tent watching the sun sink down lower over the Cirque de Towers in the Wind River Range. I was beginning to worry about my boyfriend (Kipp) and his climbing partner (Garret).Continue reading
The Wild West

We drove out of the mountains from Banff, Alberta, and crossed the border back into the United States. The mountains with their snowy peaks had long given way to flat grasslands and a steady, darkContinue reading
Hoh Rainforest
I’m so thankful that places like this exist, reminding us that the wild does still have a commanding presence in corners of the world, and filling us with the strength and determination to protect all that remains.
Hope in the Wild
There are certain places, people, and experiences that change you fundamentally as a person. I’ve found that spending time in places that feel connected to something much greater than our human-made world make itContinue reading
Crater Lake
To say that Crater Lake is stunning would be an understatement—it is without a doubt a spectacular, almost other-worldly place.
alumni, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, ESC, sustainability, travel
Biodynamic Wine Review – The Benziger Estate
This family has proven that simple designs, natural storage, permaculture ideas, and organic pest and weed management can have not only environmental rewards, but great business success as well.
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, forests, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
San Juan Islands

Heading out of San Francisco, my boyfriend and I met my parents in Washington state for a five-day sea kayaking trip in the San Juan Islands. We’d been hoping to meet them up there inContinue reading
Beginnings of an Adventure
First days on the road!
Time in the Natural World

Truthfully, a lot of what is going on in the world, and a lot of what I study, is fundamentally violent. But paying attention to the violence we as a species continue to both consciously and unconsciously enact upon our Earth and each other only makes my walks in the woods feel ever more essential. I rely on the spiritual experience that the wilds provide me—the chance to go home—as a source of restoration and a reminder of our boundless power and agency to create change.