Each road creates new “edge” habitat in nature, and fragments the landscape into small units that are often less conducive to the persistence of wildlife.
biodiversity, conservation, faculty, forests, natural habitat, population growth
Each road creates new “edge” habitat in nature, and fragments the landscape into small units that are often less conducive to the persistence of wildlife.
Trump’s First Year Slightly less than a year ago, I used this blog to provide an open letter to Donald Trump regarding the environment (http://blogs.nicholas.duke.edu/citizenscientist/some-thoughts-for-the-new-president/). My points were simple: Use science to base environmental decisions;Continue reading
The controversial Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Refuge is an attempt to maintain some shelter for endangered marine organisms.
When large nets are used to capture desirable species, there is often “bycatch” of undesirable species that are often thrown back into the water.
We will not make America great again if we can’t breathe the air, drink the water, or find mental refreshment and recreation in natural areas.
We are keepers of the biosphere, and our judgment day will assess how well we did.
I cannot help but think that, like humans, birds are happier when they are well fed.
Scientists are not merely a special interest group.
We continuously reset our perception of what nature is and where nature occurs, codifying degradation
The challenge of dealing with declining oil production will define the world we live in.