Even modest leak rates of ammonia gas could exacerbate the already ubiquitous problems of excessive reactive nitrogen in the environment,
Category: energy
Electric or gas?
Overall, electric vehicles are climate friendly.
The Big Cave
Residential energy makes a huge contribution to energy use.
conservation, energy, environmental health, faculty, food, population growth, resource use
The Pursuit of Happiness
Countries such as the U.S., are likely engaging in much frivolous consumption of energy without benefits to health and happiness.
Oil and water don’t mix
Most of the oil in the sea comes from human activities near the coast.
carbon sequestration, climate, energy, faculty, forests, fossil fuels, renewable energy
What is BECCS anyway?
Overall, the energy used in BECCS adds about 30% to the carbon emissions to the atmosphere from burning biomass directly.
agriculture, climate, energy, environmental policy, faculty, fossil fuels, renewable energy
No good deed goes unpunished
biofuels have had huge economic benefits to the agricultural sector, but they are associated with increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere,
agriculture, biogeochemistry, energy, faculty, fossil fuels, methane, wetlands
Methane: a synoptic view
Methane concentrations were relatively constant in the atmosphere until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
carbon sequestration, climate, energy, environmental politics, faculty, forests, renewable energy
Smoke, mirrors, and wood pellets
if we are serious about mitigating climate change, we must shift our attention to sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
Recycling glass and other household stuff
Make sure your trips to the recycling center are efficient