we are living in the hot, dry world that was predicted by computer models of the Earth’s climate.
Category: environmental politics
environmental health, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, natural habitat, resource use, sustainability, toxicology
Environmental Justice
What constitutes environmental justice seems inherently subjective…
Arctic, climate, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, marine studies, oceans, sea level
Greenland Ice
If Greenland were to melt completely, sea level would rise by about 7 meters (21 feet) flooding most coastal areas worldwide
carbon sequestration, climate, energy, environmental politics, faculty, forests, renewable energy
Smoke, mirrors, and wood pellets
if we are serious about mitigating climate change, we must shift our attention to sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
agriculture, carbon sequestration, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty
Soil Carbon Sequestration
Suggestions that we can mitigate the impact of fossil fuel combustion by increasing carbon storage in soils are bogus.
What’s out and what’s in for 2021
Chances are good this will look better if you use your browser with the link below to go to the Website for Translational Ecology. What’s Out What’s In ___________________________________________________ Climate Change Denial TheContinue reading
Science vs. Anti-science
Decisions made without science are derived from folklore or superstition
environmental health, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, renewable energy
The Science and The Anti-Science
We are seeing an increasing denial of science by the general public—often spread by cell phone and social media.
biodiversity, conservation, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, natural habitat
Gutting protections for migratory birds
Recognizing that it is part of our nation’s heritage, the Wood Thrush is…protected by the Migratory Bird Protection Act (MBPA) of 1918.
air pollution, environmental health, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty
Behind the Smoke Screen
When the dust settles, the roll-back of air pollution regulations is likely to take a larger toll on society than COVID-19.