Housing a billion chickens in North Carolina is equivalent to living with 10,000,000 people with no sewage treatment.
agriculture, air pollution, environmental health, faculty, food, waste, water pollution
Housing a billion chickens in North Carolina is equivalent to living with 10,000,000 people with no sewage treatment.
We need to incentivize plastic recycling
the storage of plant-derived carbon in everyday products that are landfilled may help sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
Not all pharmaceutical compounds can be removed by traditional methods of treating wastewater.
Human excrement is a resource too valuable to waste.
We have much to do to improve our understanding of the amount and fate of plastics at the Earth’s surface.
Reducing the use of disposal diapers would have a rather small effect on our national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions
Cutting food waste in half would save 8% of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere—even more if we were to consume less beef in our diet.
The microparticles in soil and sediments may persist indefinitely, casting a sedimentary record of human activity on the planet.
When you decide to have a cup of coffee, you have already made your largest contribution to the energy used to deliver coffee to your cup.