With the onset of climate change, entirely new groupings of species are expected, with no likelihood that they have a past history of cooccurrence.
Category: natural habitat
carbon sequestration, environmental policy, faculty, forests, natural habitat
Embrace old growth
Replacing old forests with young forests to increase carbon sequestration is a fool’s errand.
What’s in a Road Name?
Perhaps land developers are poking fun at us
Deerly Beloved
When we manipulate one component of an ecosystem, such as predators, unknown consequences show up…
Paving the Earth
Areas covered by pavement all contribute to the footprint of humans on Earth.
environmental health, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, natural habitat, resource use, sustainability, toxicology
Environmental Justice
What constitutes environmental justice seems inherently subjective…
climate, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, fossil fuels, natural habitat, population growth
Oops, here comes another consumer
The continued belief that rising human numbers have no impact on the environment is misguided.
faculty, lakes and streams, land use, natural habitat, water, water pollution, wetlands
Pogo is Worried
An iconic landmark of the region, and the largest swamp in North America, is now vulnerable
Recent work…has shown that butterflies have declined at a rate of about 1.6% per year during the past 40 years.
biodiversity, conservation, faculty, forests, natural habitat
Arboreal Dimensions of Biodiversity
The shape and volume—not just area—of trees growing in a forest creates an added dimension to the ecological and evolutionary setting.