Preston called the species left of the veil line—the invisible birds—those that are present at the site, but not seen by even a careful observer.
Category: biodiversity
Nature’s plant hardiness zones
With the onset of climate change, entirely new groupings of species are expected, with no likelihood that they have a past history of cooccurrence.
What is a species?
Implementation of the Endangered Species Act is crucially dependent upon what constitutes a species.
Deerly Beloved
When we manipulate one component of an ecosystem, such as predators, unknown consequences show up…
Invasive Species
We pay close attention to human disease, but we let the global transport of exotic species, pests, and pathogens proceed with little notice.
The Thanksgiving Feast
Focus your dinner on invasive and exotic species
Recent work…has shown that butterflies have declined at a rate of about 1.6% per year during the past 40 years.
biodiversity, conservation, faculty, forests, natural habitat
Arboreal Dimensions of Biodiversity
The shape and volume—not just area—of trees growing in a forest creates an added dimension to the ecological and evolutionary setting.
Costs of invasive species
Managing to reduce the transport and arrival of alien species will not be cheap
Hot times, summer in the city….
Earliest losses of biodiversity may be found among species in hot climates where some species are pushed beyond their physiological tolerance.