The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the breeze feels like freedom as I cruise down Morreene Road on my way to campus- these are the times when I’m overwhelmingly grateful for beingContinue reading
Category: energy
climate, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, events, PhD, students
Fueling the Sochi Olympics
Powering a 17-day event that draws thousands of people from around the world is no trivial task, which is why organizers have been planning how to fuel the 2014 Winter Olympics since the Russian city onContinue reading
More Items on the Menu for Anaerobic Digestion
Biogas is one of the earliest forms of bioenergy, yet it is much less prevalent in the U.S. than in other countries such as Sweden, where it’s used to power public transportation. Biogas production isContinue reading
Dealing with “microscopic cows”
Dr. Val Smith visits the Nicholas School and shares ideas about preventing predation when growing algae for biofuels.
If You Build It, They Will Donate Electrons
What does it take to make your own simple microbial fuel cell? Find out what some students have been experimenting with in a Bioenergy course at Duke.
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Algae Food
Abundant waste sources can serve a new purpose and be used to grow algae for biofuels. This post lists a sample of some of these waste sources, have you heard of all of them?
Becoming Informed About Fracking
My experience at Duke’s monthly Energy Mix, and how it prompted me to learn more about fracking and its current state in North Carolina.