Most of the VOC are emitted from plastics, including the carpet, that are ubiquitous in new cars.
Tag: plastics
Nature’s plant hardiness zones
With the onset of climate change, entirely new groupings of species are expected, with no likelihood that they have a past history of cooccurrence.
Rethinking Recycling
Focusing on paper, metal, and plastics produces the greatest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and the most profitable operations.
Disposal of Plastics
We need to incentivize plastic recycling
Unextractable Fossil Fuels
A lot of the proven reserves of fossil fuels must remain in the ground—never to be exploited.
Airborne Plastics
The microparticles in soil and sediments may persist indefinitely, casting a sedimentary record of human activity on the planet.
Plastics at sea
Overall the blame for plastic pollution rests on you and me.