This is not the time to “unburden” the corporate world from regulations that protect our environment.
biogeochemistry, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, lakes and streams, water, water pollution, wetlands
This is not the time to “unburden” the corporate world from regulations that protect our environment.
Solar power is essential to our future economy, health, and stabilization of climate.
PFAS compounds are found in wastewater and biosolids, that are used to fertilize agricultural lands
The long-term problems facing Homo sapiens need a genuine sapient vision that we did not elect.
this makes it difficult to devise appropriate policy measures that might stem the growth of methane in the atmosphere.
Most of the VOC are emitted from plastics, including the carpet, that are ubiquitous in new cars.
can we really expect the forest products industry to divert a significant fraction of its harvest from sale to burial?
Laudable progress, but it seems that the declaration of net zero emissions may not be sustainable beyond 2024.
More than half of the riverwater in the continental U.S. is derived from ephemeral streams
In many areas groundwater decline appears to be accelerating,