It has been nearly a decade since I first learned how to scuba dive and ever since then, Palau, the ultimate diving destination, has been on my bucket list of places to visit before IContinue reading
It has been nearly a decade since I first learned how to scuba dive and ever since then, Palau, the ultimate diving destination, has been on my bucket list of places to visit before IContinue reading
The harvest of sea turtles has long been a part of the Palauan culture. Sea turtles have been harvested for both food and a form of women’s money in Palau and are the focus ofContinue reading
1/19/2013 This morning we drove on a winding road to the state of Ngardmau to spend the day at Palau’s one and only Eco-Theme Park. The first attraction at this park was an open-air monorailContinue reading
“Imagine a guy like me instructing a student of a university,” fisherman Saiky Shiro exclaimed after he explained the unique community-based fisheries monitoring program in the Ngarchelong state of Palau during our stay in theContinue reading
The belief that nature is something separate from us, that we must protect nature from ourselves, lies at the foundation of many conservation approaches today (Foale and Macintyre 2005). One of the most widely utilizedContinue reading
The time we have spent in Palau has been an amazing experience in no small part due to the wonderful people who have shared with us their culture and knowledge. While we are here toContinue reading
On Sunday morning, we all woke up bright and early to begin our journey to Ngarchelong State for a stay with the Ollei community. I have to admit that I was somewhat apprehensive about thisContinue reading
Fifteen years have passed since my first visit to Palau, a dive vacation that exposed me to the majestic and truly singular coral reef ecosystems of the Rock Islands. It would be an understatement toContinue reading
Today we visited the stone monoliths of Ngarchelong, overlooking some of the state’s rich reefs and fishing grounds. Then, we toured the taro fields of the hamlet of Ollei. The success of these fields isContinue reading
Alii! Welcome to the Nicholas School student blog for the Palau travel course. Over the next two weeks, students from the Coastal Environmental Management program will be offering their reflections and perspectives on the socialContinue reading