Growing up in Maine, I often experienced the classic, snow globe-esque Christmas seen in movies and television shows. After opening presents, my siblings and I would pull on our snow pants and coats and headContinue reading
Tag: beach
Calling in Bird Bands: Actively Participating in Citizen Science
Erika calls in banded Snowy Plovers on Florida beaches.
Fort De Soto Park and Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge
We arrived at Fort De Soto Park’s campground just before sundown, as an evening thunderstorm prepared to pass over us. The campsite that we shared with my fiance Brian’s family looked out onto shallow grass flats,Continue reading
Exploring the Outer Banks for the First Time: Day One
I had heard the hype about the Outer Banks. Books, movies, articles, and word of mouth all led me to believe that the Outer Banks was one of the most beautiful places south of theContinue reading