Every city has a vibe that makes it unique in the world. Vibrant New Orleans, at the mouth of the Mississippi. Hip Seattle, between the Cascades and the Pacific Ocean. Romantic Paris, straddling the SeineContinue reading
Every city has a vibe that makes it unique in the world. Vibrant New Orleans, at the mouth of the Mississippi. Hip Seattle, between the Cascades and the Pacific Ocean. Romantic Paris, straddling the SeineContinue reading
I’ve written a lot about all the steps and hurdles I’ve gone through to get this paper published, but not a word about what the darn thing is actually about. It seems about time toContinue reading
One of the coolest things, for me, about the Nicholas School is that it houses people with really diverse backgrounds and skill sets. This makes it easy to interact and work with people whose interestsContinue reading
Greetings! In preparing my blog, looking forward toward my PhD here at Duke, I got to reminiscing about the fantastic experiences I’ve had in research up to this point. I want to begin my blogContinue reading