Wisconsin public land management currently falls short of providing appropriate and inclusive services to all of Wisconsin’s residents.
Author: Maria Prebble
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Post-Conflict Environmental Assessments
UNEP conducted a post-conflict assessment report in Bosnia and Herzegovina, reporting on the environmental and health impacts of the depleted uranium munitions used by the United States and NATO forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 war after the breakup of Yugoslavia.
climate, EEP, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, students, travel
Peru: Environmental Degradation in the Andes
Peru is incredibly geographically diverse, but the Andean highlands present the most urgent challenges from climate change.
Madagascar: Prosimian Protection & Community Capacity Building with the Duke Lemur Center
Earlier this month, millennials and the Duke University community mourned the death of Jovian, the Coquerel’s sifaka lemur better known as “Zoboomafoo” from the late 1990’s PBS Kids show of the same name.
Vietnam & The USA: The Continuing War
During the Vietnam War, American forces sprayed more than 11 million gallons of Agent Orange, an herbicide, over Vietnam as part of an attritional warfare strategy to destroy the forest cover of the Viet Cong and to destroy their food supply.
USA: Environmental Inequity in Alabama
2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation, an incredibly overwhelming statistic. It also seems far away, endemic to developing countries like India. It hardly seems conceivable that in the United States ofContinue reading
India: Sanitation & Environmental Health in Rural Rajasthan Communities
India’s sanitation crisis affects both the health and personal security of the 840 million people in the country without access to clean and safe sanitation services.
Tanzania: Gendered Knowledge in Community Based Adaptation

Women, particularly rural pastoral women in Sub-Saharan Africa—one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change—are disproportionately adversely affected by climate change, and face significant challenges to adaptation.