Solar power is essential to our future economy, health, and stabilization of climate.
climate, energy, environmental economics, environmental policy, faculty, renewable energy
Solar power is essential to our future economy, health, and stabilization of climate.
PFAS compounds are found in wastewater and biosolids, that are used to fertilize agricultural lands
The long-term problems facing Homo sapiens need a genuine sapient vision that we did not elect.
this makes it difficult to devise appropriate policy measures that might stem the growth of methane in the atmosphere.
More than half of the riverwater in the continental U.S. is derived from ephemeral streams
The question of glyphosate safety revolves around the efficacy of the EPA standard (700 ppb) as a threshold for direct and epigenetic effects.
Overall, electric vehicles are climate friendly.
Delineation of wetlands and their importance in certain watersheds are scientific questions
Replacing old forests with young forests to increase carbon sequestration is a fool’s errand.
What constitutes environmental justice seems inherently subjective…