As we hear pressures to roll back some of the provisions that ensure clean air, largely in pursuit of unfettered economic activity, it is worth spending a little time reflecting on the benefits of cleanContinue reading
Category: environmental health
air pollution, biogeochemistry, energy, environmental health, faculty, toxicology
Pennies from Heaven
Emissions of vanadium to the atmosphere parallel the increased use of heavy oil and are now nearly twice the sum of all natural sources combined.
Holiday Lights
An LED may cost a little more, but they last longer and use much less energy.
Pesticide Déjà-Vu
As the evidence against neonicotinoids rolls in, we will face another challenge between corporate deep pockets and what is good for the natural world.
air pollution, biogeochemistry, climate, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty
There is no credible evidence that chemtrails exist.
air pollution, biodiversity, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, natural habitat, water pollution
The Trumpian footprint
We will not make America great again if we can’t breathe the air, drink the water, or find mental refreshment and recreation in natural areas.
Whither your water
It gives me pause to see proposals now before government agencies to relax the standards for discharge and stream protection
agriculture, climate, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty
Climate Change Economics
The impacts of climate change are likely to cause a 1.2% decline in GDP across the U.S. per one degree rise in temperature (C)
Ammonia is unregulated, yet it is the cause of poor health and early death in rural agricultural communities.
Chromium and the Myth of Tolerable Exposure
The “zero tolerance” approach for contaminants can be seen in regulations which state that the concentrations of several known carcinogenic contaminants in drinking water should be zero.