Focusing on paper, metal, and plastics produces the greatest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and the most profitable operations.
Category: recycling
Disposal of Plastics
We need to incentivize plastic recycling
air pollution, biogeochemistry, environmental health, faculty, recycling, resource use, toxicology, water pollution
Arsenic and Old Lace
we are bathed in, and breathe, an atmosphere with an arsenic content vastly in excess of what we have experienced during our evolutionary history as a species.
Recycling metals
with rising human population new (virgin) sources of ore will be mined to satisfy the demand for more products.
agriculture, biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, faculty, fossil fuels, plastics, recycling, waste
Rethinking Biodegradable
the storage of plant-derived carbon in everyday products that are landfilled may help sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
Recycling glass and other household stuff
Make sure your trips to the recycling center are efficient
Closing the Nutrient Loop
Human excrement is a resource too valuable to waste.
Diapers: to change or not to change
Reducing the use of disposal diapers would have a rather small effect on our national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions
Embodied Energy in Housing
If we tear down an old building and replace it, we incur new costs of embodied energy in construction materials
A Round Green Economy
Efficiency of resource use can lower demand, but not if the underlying population is growing and hoping to catch up in lifestyle.