The continued belief that rising human numbers have no impact on the environment is misguided.
Category: population growth
population growth
conservation, energy, environmental health, faculty, food, population growth, resource use
The Pursuit of Happiness
Countries such as the U.S., are likely engaging in much frivolous consumption of energy without benefits to health and happiness.
agriculture, air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth, sustainability
Only with a population growth rate of zero might we have some hope for planetary stability.
A Round Green Economy
Efficiency of resource use can lower demand, but not if the underlying population is growing and hoping to catch up in lifestyle.
biodiversity, conservation, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth
We must look beyond the self-centered view that we are the only masters of our own survival.
faculty, land use, natural habitat, population growth, sustainability, travel, water pollution
The Ultimate Invasive Species
Future generations will have no escape from the pressure of their own numbers and the stresses of a full planet.
The Elephant in the Corner.
Reliance on population growth is a hollow and blunt instrument to ensure economic growth
Moving Stuff Around
Humans are the largest force shaping the surface of the Earth today.
biodiversity, conservation, faculty, forests, natural habitat, population growth
Roads to Nowhere
Each road creates new “edge” habitat in nature, and fragments the landscape into small units that are often less conducive to the persistence of wildlife.
climate, energy, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, population growth, renewable energy
The perception of high inequality in society has been associated with instability and strife in human populations