The new work indicates that particles from coal-fired power plants are more deadly than those from other sources of fine particles
Category: fossil fuels
fossil fuels
Ammonia as a fuel
Even modest leak rates of ammonia gas could exacerbate the already ubiquitous problems of excessive reactive nitrogen in the environment,
Electric or gas?
Overall, electric vehicles are climate friendly.
Disposal of Plastics
We need to incentivize plastic recycling
climate, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, fossil fuels, natural habitat, population growth
Oops, here comes another consumer
The continued belief that rising human numbers have no impact on the environment is misguided.
agriculture, biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, faculty, fossil fuels, plastics, recycling, waste
Rethinking Biodegradable
the storage of plant-derived carbon in everyday products that are landfilled may help sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
Oil and water don’t mix
Most of the oil in the sea comes from human activities near the coast.
carbon sequestration, climate, energy, faculty, forests, fossil fuels, renewable energy
What is BECCS anyway?
Overall, the energy used in BECCS adds about 30% to the carbon emissions to the atmosphere from burning biomass directly.
agriculture, climate, energy, environmental policy, faculty, fossil fuels, renewable energy
No good deed goes unpunished
biofuels have had huge economic benefits to the agricultural sector, but they are associated with increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere,
Methane: a synoptic view
Methane concentrations were relatively constant in the atmosphere until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.