On mental health and graduate school, and why we should welcome unique brains.
River Retreat 2016: Structure and Function

To some, January is the first month of the Gregorian calendar, the beginning of a new semester, or just damn cold; but for the River Center, January is also associated with River Retreat. What isContinue reading
AGU 2015 – Meeting Recap!
December is a crazy month in the life of a student and academic – the semester is ending, finals are upon us, and everyone is scrambling to wrap up projects and papers before the holidays.Continue reading
The Shiny Season
It’s not just the holidays that make us happy this time of year, sharing our data and resources is what brings us cheer!
Not My Timber
In light of the season, here’s a reflection on going home, written a year ago.
Science Camp!
Last month, a group of four McGlynn lab mates, myself included, attended a Gordon Research Conference for Catchment Science in Andover, New Hampshire. Just a couple days in to the week-long adventure, we realized theContinue reading
We need to talk about race.
Recent events recall a lesson I learned from working for the Duke Immerse program in Urban Environmental Justice & Social Entrepreneurship: we need to talk about race. The Nicholas School is not very diverse, and that reality hurts our mission.
SFS Conference Recap, Part 1
As a first time attendee of a Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) conference, I have to say that it lives up to its great reputation. What I found in Milwaukee the week before last wasContinue reading
Conference recap, Part 2: Field trip!
Way back in April, when we registered for the SFS conference, I was surprised and excited to see my hometown of Mukwonago, WI listed among the field trips. Joanna and I signed up, and afterContinue reading
Redefining salt marsh research: Are coastal wetlands end members or part of a continuum?
How should we think about coastal wetlands? Are coastal wetlands endmembers or discrete ecosystems? Or are they components of a larger system?