With an ominous twitch of its maraca-tipped tail, the rattlesnake reluctantly slithered its way off the dusty track. Without much protest the deadly serpent disappeared into the darkness letting us return to the real problem: theContinue reading
Category: students
A Football Field an Hour
I spent this past weekend in and around the city of New Orleans where my girlfriend and brother had both converged for the Sustainable Seafood Summit (alas, too pricey an affair for me to attendContinue reading
Mother Nature is a Mad Scientist…
If I posted these photos without explanation who would ever guess these were shot in the United States? Better yet who would guess it was a class? But believe it or not, these were shotContinue reading
Mountain Meandering (Part 1)

Over the past month I’ve had an amazing time exploring the mountains of western North Carolina. Now I wouldn’t recommend to anyone spending three out of four weekends away while taking a full course load,Continue reading
Last Gasp on New Hope Creek
Perhaps a slightly misleading title I’ve given there… Star Wars fans might have images of Lord Vader force-choking rebel freedom fighters springing to mind, rather than gentle walks beside a babbling brook. But the dying breath IContinue reading
Eh Sunset
Check out this timelapse I took of the sunset from the roof of the Nic School’s new Environment Hall (EH). My favorite are the jet trails from the airliners zipping along to and from Raleigh-Durham airport.Continue reading