When we insist on shared values and universal human experiences, we erase these productive differences and cripple the potential for equitable collaboration.
Tag: interviews
Ben Siegelman
conservation, Duke Marine Lab, environmental economics, environmental policy, forests, internships, marine studies, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel
conservation, Duke Marine Lab, environmental economics, environmental policy, forests, internships, marine studies, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel
Gleaning from the Gleaners
How do you learn from those with whom you can’t communicate? This question has posed a methodological and ethical quandary as I work on community-based mangrove restoration with Marine Conservation Philippines. My research explores localContinue reading
Videogames and Aladdin
If, based on the title, you think this post is going to be animated and entertaining turn back now: I’m talking about transcription. Since returning from the villages I’ve been typing observation notes and transcribingContinue reading
Villages Interview Trip
Durian is the King of Thai fruit. It is also banned in most Asian hotels and airports. Durian’s aroma is sometimes likened to cat vomit, or that dead animal that’s been hidden somewhere in yourContinue reading