When we insist on shared values and universal human experiences, we erase these productive differences and cripple the potential for equitable collaboration.
Category: sustainability
conservation, Duke Marine Lab, environmental economics, environmental policy, forests, internships, marine studies, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel
Gleaning from the Gleaners
How do you learn from those with whom you can’t communicate? This question has posed a methodological and ethical quandary as I work on community-based mangrove restoration with Marine Conservation Philippines. My research explores localContinue reading
conservation, environmental economics, environmental policy, forests, internships, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel
Questioning Our Roots
“Hi Joe!” I hear this cheery call often while doing community-based conservation in the Philippines. Filipinos frequently call foreigners “Joe.” It’s a rich, if casual, reference to the military nature of U.S.-Filipino relations: “Joe” derivesContinue reading
conservation, forests, internships, marine studies, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel
The Mud of the Mangroves
I suppose the smell hits you first. As you walk into a mangrove forest, the deep, gaseous, almost sulfuric smell of the swamp tells you where you are. There’s no point wearing shoes here, andContinue reading
conservation, Exploring Energy Efficiency in Colorado, internships, students, sustainability
What is Behavioral Energy Efficiency? (Part 2 of 2)
As I introduced in my last blog post, behavioral energy efficiency, sometimes called occupancy engagement in the context of building efficiency, is a growing field. However, it is not an area yet well-understood by RMIContinue reading
conservation, Exploring Energy Efficiency in Colorado, internships, students, sustainability
What is Behavioral Energy Efficiency? (Part 1 of 2)
One of the biggest questions I had entering grad school – and it’s a question that I think anyone who’s ever dedicated a bit of time or energy to environmental issues wonders about – wasContinue reading
internships, students, sustainability, Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, travel
What’s Next for the Climate Governance Talks
Last December I attended the climate negotiations in Lima, Peru that marked the twentieth Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This annual meeting marked another steppingContinue reading
Reflections on Culture and Connections
Internships can be hit or miss. Once, in college, I had an internship where my supervisor gave me one thing to do about every week or two that took me just a few hours, soContinue reading
conservation, internships, Mapping Habitat for the San Martin Titi Monkey in Peru, students, sustainability, travel
Lions and tigers and bears (and monkeys)! Oh my!
As I’ve traveled the world, one thing has been glaringly obvious to me: deforestation is threatening our biodiversity. In the US, we are so used to seeing parking lots rather than forest; we no longerContinue reading
climate, environmental health, environmental policy, International Climate Policy in D.C., internships, students, sustainability
The Clean Power Plan and the Economy
Today I tuned in to a monthly webinar put on by one of our partners, Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), about the new Clean Power Plan and its implications for businesses. The talk was entitled “More Jobs,Continue reading