When we insist on shared values and universal human experiences, we erase these productive differences and cripple the potential for equitable collaboration.
When we insist on shared values and universal human experiences, we erase these productive differences and cripple the potential for equitable collaboration.
How do you learn from those with whom you can’t communicate? This question has posed a methodological and ethical quandary as I work on community-based mangrove restoration with Marine Conservation Philippines. My research explores localContinue reading
“Hi Joe!” I hear this cheery call often while doing community-based conservation in the Philippines. Filipinos frequently call foreigners “Joe.” It’s a rich, if casual, reference to the military nature of U.S.-Filipino relations: “Joe” derivesContinue reading
I suppose the smell hits you first. As you walk into a mangrove forest, the deep, gaseous, almost sulfuric smell of the swamp tells you where you are. There’s no point wearing shoes here, andContinue reading
It was edging near 2pm and the sun was bright and strong overhead. We were all tired and hungry from not having had lunch yet. Because our original plans were destroyed by an impassable road,Continue reading
Leaving Udaipur, the wall paintings on homes and temples alongside the road imply that I’m traveling outside of a city and into the wilderness, as the paintings’ themes evolve from courtly scenes to wild animalsContinue reading
Now you may be asking yourself, “What gives?! I clicked on this to read about Heart-of-Darkness-like exploits in the steamy jungles of Central Africa…what’s this wise guy talking about Panama for??” If that is theContinue reading
East Africa is known for its exceptional sunsets but I must admit that I have yet to be thoroughly impressed, until tonight. Tonight’s sunset was amazing – the colors were beautiful and I stopped deadContinue reading