I had an incredible summer where I learned more about the issues I’m interested in, networked with professionals from the UN, WTO, and international NGOs, and met a fantastic group of people.
Author: Jessica McDonald
internships, students, Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, travel
Ready, set, jump! When will you go canyoning?
I heard about canyoning for the first time this past semester during the wildlife film festival hosted by the Nicholas School. I thought those people were crazy. Why would you voluntarily jump into water justContinue reading
conservation, environmental policy, internships, students, Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, travel
Crazy, Candid, Calculated Course Week
Last week the Duke Program on Global Policy and Governance hosted its sixteenth annual course week in Geneva to complement our summer internships. This year there were four tracks: Humanitarian action; global health; environment, energy,Continue reading
Trade is a tool; wield it carefully
The time I’ve spent at ICTSD has taught me a lot about the relationship between trade and the environment, and in this blog I’ve taken a moment to reflect on what I’ve learned. Enjoy!
internships, students, Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, travel
From the Andes to the Alps
Many of you understand the benefits of a great hike: the excitement when you first jet off with your water bottle filled to the brim, the determination that kicks in when you know you’re halfwayContinue reading
internships, students, sustainability, Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, travel
What’s Next for the Climate Governance Talks
Last December I attended the climate negotiations in Lima, Peru that marked the twentieth Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This annual meeting marked another steppingContinue reading
An Exploration of Geneva
Bonjour! Comment ca-va? Unfortunately, the French language skills I gained while in high school need a lot of refreshing. I must apologize to Mrs. Luppinaci-Reed who was my amazing French teacher –> Je suis desoleeContinue reading