A summer of healthcare strategy in Querétaro, México

Riding for Waste Collection
Riding for Waste Collection

Parked on the couch in my Durham apartment arranging travel, shooting off emails to my soon to be boss, and running through a checklist of logistics as I prepare for my summer internship in México. As a joint MEM/MBA student I’m jazzed about the opportunity to help a small chain of dialysis clinics plan and execute an aggressive growth strategy that involves opening several new outpatient clinics in the heart of México. Finding creative ways to offer increased access to high-quality affordable healthcare to patients in Latin America suffering from kidney failure will certainly be challenging; it’s time to see how much my Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health curricula I can apply to delivery models in México. Regardless, the prospects of being located just a few hours from several great cities (México City, Guanajuato, Leon, and Morelia) is sure to include several weekend adventures! Until then…

Fast forward now one week and I’ve now been in the city of Santiago de Querétaro, a city of approximately 1 million inhabitants, for what feels like a month but it has only been four days of non-stop work. Learning about the Mexican healthcare system and insurance markets, local competitors in the dialysis space, and the operations of the clinic system I am working for from the CEO and his team is like trying to swim the English Channel with lead shorts. I can however say that I’m living the “glamorous” life of a consultant by traveling to client sites and engaging senior leadership, but the long hours aren’t so “glamorous” that is for sure. However, I can already begin to see my contributions beginning to influence the organization. What is also exciting is to see my client engaging in environmentally sustainable practices by having added solar panels, allowing for natural light, and repurposing water in a new facility that is scheduled to open soon. Referencing last semester’s class, Business Strategies for Environmental Sustainability, has allowed me to distinguish whether environmental sustainability was part of corporate strategy or simply a consequence of cost savings initiatives. I’m planning on recommending other cost savings initiatives for the clinics that have environmental benefits so stay tuned to see how that turns out.

As for my living situation I was happy to learn that my apartment complex recycles. A huge thumbs up for my property managers and a big thank you to the folks in Querétaro who collect and haul waste and recyclables. I’ve included a photo of the not-so-modern (at least by US standards) collection methods (yellow bicycle in the picture) and waste storage areas for you all to appreciate. Until next time…


Jose Magaña Paredes
Master of Business Administration
Master of Environmental Management
Candidate 2016, Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Nicholas School of the Environment

21 thoughts on “A summer of healthcare strategy in Querétaro, México

      1. Thank you sister. I’ll try not to let let the good people of the State of Queretaro down.

    1. Thanks Mario! I’m trying to enjoy Mexico but these long days leave me so exhausted that all I want to do when I get home is eat and sleep.

    1. Oscar, so far I’m really loving this state and its people. It won the award for cleanest state in the republic…and I can see why.

  1. I’m sitting here at a Starbucks studying microbio and your blog is SO inspiring Jose! The energy is contagious and the Queretaro Mexicanos/as are blessed to have you there! God bless y ay nos vemos pronto!P.S I wouldn’t be surprised if you get asked for a role in a novela jaja ntc!

    1. Que Bonito amor is taking cast calls for el galan Jose lol….Eddie, go back to studying 🙂

    2. Eddie!! Thanks for visiting this Sunday. Who’s inspiring are people that live with Chronic Kidney Disease, go through dialysis therapy, and then go about there lives as best they can…getting dialysis in the morning then going to work in the afternoon. Now that is inspiring!

  2. Proud of you bro!
    Congrats on your first international consulting gig – err I mean internship. I’m glad you are engaged in an endeavor you are very passionate about – it will help with the long office hours.

    Maintain the focus and keep delivering value. And remember, if you work hard, you have to play hard too.

    Welcome to the consulting world!


    1. Abe. Working 14 hour day is only glamorous in the movies. Working hard and playing hard sounds like a receipt for the flu. A little R&R certainly doesn’t sound like a bad idea though.

  3. Very motivating. So thankful to have people like you doing great thing in the world. I’m sure this is and will continue to be very rewarding. Good luck! Keep us updated.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Nancy. The world is big and so are its needs, but if we work together we overcome nearly every challenge.

    1. Agreed, but the real measure of impact will be how much I’ll have changed the organization.

  4. What a wise choice you have made. I know the world will be a better place because of your contributions. Keep up the good work and thank you for your dedication.

    1. Hello Pat! Changing the world is a huge goal, but I like that challenge. Thank you for reading my post and for the note.

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