The world loves cats. They’re a cute and cuddly companion species that we have been breeding for thousands of years.The world also loves charismatic megafauna, large animal species with widespread public appeal due to their magnificence,Continue reading
Category: CEM
Give them a break! Spinner dolphin tours in Hawaii
Access to public resources is something that most Americans would likely agree is an important right. Enjoying and utilizing our natural environments, such as parks, beaches or waterways, is something everyone should be able toContinue reading
Dolphin Dilemmas
I find myself conflicted every time I’m presented with the opportunity to interact with marine mammals. The rational part of my brain says I should respect these intelligent creatures and keep my distance, but anotherContinue reading
Hawaiian Felines: Friend or Foe?

Feral cats in Hawaii are viewed as either cute and cuddly creatures or the pathway to native extinctions.
2016 Trip, CEM, coasts, Duke Marine Lab, energy, marine studies, oceans, students, sustainability, travel
Day Ten – The riches of deep seawater
On day 10, we experienced the Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology Park which is administered by National Energy Laboratory Hawaii Authority (NELHA). The park is a collection of 42 groups, which range from research andContinue reading
The Greatest Management Challenge
As far as marine protected areas go, the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument is pretty unique. It is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world and has been recognized by the United NationsContinue reading
Loved to Death
With the (repeat) exception of Bubbie’s Ice Cream, Hanauma Bay is the first location to which we’ve returned on our adventures in Oahu. The nature preserve is closed every Tuesday to allow time for maintenanceContinue reading
2015 Trip, CEM, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, students, travel
Street Sweepers and Spinner Dolphins
Why anyone would decide that three o’clock in the morning is a good time to run a loud, obnoxious street sweeper up and down the street of our current residence at the University of HawaiiContinue reading
How Stuff Gets Done
We started the day a little later than usual, which allowed us all much needed time to recover from the previous night’s festivities – a “surprise” Bubbies ice cream cake for our fearless leader AndyContinue reading
Shoptalk in a Coffee Shop
Today’s class was full of marine conservation shoptalk. We covered a variety of different marine conservations issues with the specialists we met on Day 3 of our Hawaiian adventure. All of my classmates had insightfulContinue reading