The real impact of global warming may be what it does to evaporation rates from the land surface.
Category: water
What Ever Happened to Acid Rain?
A cap-and-trade program was put into effect by President George H.W. Bush to curtail SO2 emissions from power plants.
Preparing for a Drought-prone World
Future drought is likely to have major effects on natural landscapes and the plants that inhabit them.
Groundwater Dynamics
The mean age of groundwater is about 1000 years, which is why it is so difficult to remediate groundwater pollution.
agriculture, biogeochemistry, faculty, lakes and streams, marine studies, water, water pollution
Hypoxia is one of the side-effects of modern agronomic systems which strive to feed 7 billion of us with a nutritious diet.
What makes a healthy stream?
A river is a reflection of the watershed it drains
Fluoridation of drinking water
The advent of fluoridated water would seem to be a good example of better living through biogeochemistry.
Kitchen Disposals
Composting kitchen waste helps “close the loop” to achieve a sustainable human society where wastes are recycled back into the production of useful goods.
biogeochemistry, environmental health, faculty, lakes and streams, water, water pollution
Don’t be a Salty Dog
Annually we spread about 20 million tons of road salt in the U.S., and we’ve been doing it since the late 1930s.
Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner
Short of eating endangered species, eating beef is probably the worst choice you can make vis-à-vis sustainability of the human enterprise on the planet