Are lithium resources in short supply?
biogeochemistry, energy, environmental economics, faculty, recycling, renewable energy, waste
Are lithium resources in short supply?
When we cast a blind eye to the exposure of people to toxics during the disassembly of our products, we are ignoring the true cost of those products to the environment—what economists call an externality.
Composting kitchen waste helps “close the loop” to achieve a sustainable human society where wastes are recycled back into the production of useful goods.
Copper has been extracted from less and less attractive ores since Biblical times, yet we have not run out.
Worldwide production of plastics approaches 300 million tons per year, and a recent estimate suggests that 4.8 to 12.7 million tons reaches the sea.
Suspecting that recycling is a marginal business, I have worried that comingled approaches must be less profitable, since a lot of sorting must be done off-site.