Plants modulate the turning of the hydrologic cycle by reducing surface runoff, increasing the amount of water that enters the soil, and returning it slowly to the atmosphere by transpiration
Category: water
conservation, environmental economics, environmental policy, forests, internships, marine studies, Monitoring for Community Engagement in Filipino Mangrove Restoration, students, sustainability, travel, water
Finding Uncommon Ground

When we insist on shared values and universal human experiences, we erase these productive differences and cripple the potential for equitable collaboration.
Recent study uncovers trends of coastal restoration research

A recent publication by Duke Marine Lab affiliates reveals trends in coastal habitat restoration research and suggests ways this research field can move forward towards effective conservation.
agriculture, biogeochemistry, faculty, lakes and streams, water, water pollution, wetlands
The importance of small streams
EPA is recommending abandonment of the Clean Water Rule, despite the plethora of science showing the value of small wetlands to wildlife and water quality.
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, sustainability, water
No More Plastic, Please

Plastics are accumulating rapidly in our oceans, and the consequences (not just for our beaches, but for the entire ocean ecosystem) are both real and dire. Here are 30 ways to eliminate plastic from your everyday life.
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, students, sustainability, water
California Wildfires: A Dire Warning for Us All

In a year of natural disasters, fires consumed California, followed by terrifying mudslides. We’re woefully underprepared to pay for the consequences of climate change. If ever there was a time to act, it’s now. It’s never been more clear.
environmental health, faculty, lakes and streams, marine studies, toxicology, waste, water, water pollution
Like booze, sex and profanity, plastics have become a sin.
air pollution, biogeochemistry, faculty, lakes and streams, recycling, waste, water, water pollution
Poop is a resource that should be used more efficiently.
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, sustainability, travel, water
Trouble in Paradise

The last thing anyone expects in paradise are GMO testing sites. And yet, vast swaths of the southern part of Kaua’i are becoming just that: open-aired laboratories for some biotech companies.
Building an Oyster Reef in the Choctawhatchee Bay

After years of studying and writing about restoration, Erika Zambello (MEM’15) had a rewarding experience building an oyster reef with her own two hands.