Vine might be dead, but the anticipation for today’s activities keep the six second clip on replay in my mind. Like the small child who looked out at the daunting ocean, I felt the sameContinue reading
Category: Singapore – 2019
Paradise Found: Palau Dayang
Groggy, I’ve just awoken from a two-hour nap. I wake to the sound of waves hitting the side of the boat, muffled by the revving of the engine and buzz of the generator. I feelContinue reading
Monkeys are Kleptomaniacs: Hiking the MacRitchie Reservoir and Bukit Timah

When you first learn about morality, you learn that stealing is wrong. Macaques have no morals.
Am I turtle-y enough for the turtle club?

Every day is an adventure in the Urban Tropical Ecology course, with most days averaging over 12 km of walking. Today, we took more of a turtle’s pace, slowing down to smell the roses.
Spirituality in Singapore

Today we were welcomed by many generous people into their places of worship. We learned about Judaism, Islam, and Sikhism through the eyes of Singaporeans. These kind people took time out of their day toContinue reading
On Migration: Birds and Blue Devils

I will start this post by saying I am very impressed with our bus driver. 7:30 a.m. is too early to be coherent, and I cannot imagine how Mr. Lim managed to drive and speakContinue reading
I am HATED here in Singapore…
The Durian fruit is hated in Singapore. I was not a fan either.
A Tale of Two Cities: Finding Jungle in the Middle of Singapore

Bright and early at 8 am, 12 sleepy adventurers and their two fearless leaders headed to the bus stop for Kent Ridge Park, a beautiful tropical paradise situated right between high-rise apartment buildings on the southwestern edge of Singapore.
How to Experience Singapore When Not Dating Nick Young

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last year, I’m sure you’ve seen or at least heard of the film Crazy Rich Asians. While I had never seen it in theaters, I’ve endedContinue reading