As an intern at the UN we sometimes get opportunities to visit Member State Missions and meet with a representative. I had the odd opportunity of being able to visit both the Iranian Mission toContinue reading
Category: Intening at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Intening at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, internships, students, travel
Strange But Important Meetings
A few weeks ago I attended the United Nations 10th Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, for a special presentation on “Africa: Looking to the future”. Typically, I check the United Nations Journal eachContinue reading
Intening at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, internships, students, travel
Are you ready to samba?
“Well, there it is. The Jesus.” Arthur, one of the UN General Services staff stood next to me as we both looked up at the 130 foot statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado MountainContinue reading
Intening at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, internships, students, travel
What do you See?
Vatican City, the “city-state” of 108.7 acres, is about the size of an 18-hole golf course in the words of Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan–so this home of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy See isContinue reading
Midnight Negotiations, oh my!
Sitting next to a delegate for the Holy See, waiting for the 11pm Preparatory Committee Plenary Briefing at Rio +20 to start….midnight negotiations, oh my! And what a long day IT has been. Negotiations ranContinue reading
Intening at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, internships, students, sustainability, travel
Opening Ceremonies at Rio + 20
Until about 5 minutes ago, I was accidentally a part of the Swedish delegation to the Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development. As I was waiting for the Opening Ceremonies to begin launching the RioContinue reading