Ecotourism does a lot of good. It helps people create a bond with animals, which might encourage them to help conserve them. But it must be done responsibly.
Category: Studying lemurs in Madagascar
Malagasy Culture
When I first got to Centre Valbio, I was lucky enough to see a bit of musical Malagasy culture. Whenever a big group of visitors arrived or left, CVB liked to throw a party. TheyContinue reading
The Last Expedition: Vatoharanana
At times, this last expedition felt like a much-needed vacation. Again, we were graced with good weather and had sunshine every day. On average, we were seeing 15-20 lemurs a day. Even after having studiedContinue reading
Seeing the Positives Among the Challenges of Field Work
As anyone who has previously done field work knows, nothing ever goes as planned. I don’t define success as “nothing going wrong,” but more along the lines of adapting to issues as they arise, stillContinue reading
Getting By With the Help of Friends
I’m only three weeks into my summer in Madagascar, but I feel like I have made it through the hardest parts by now. The past few weeks have been difficult, physically and mentally. But IContinue reading
The Connection Between Lemurs, Researchers and the Community

I first learned lemurs existed in high school zoology class. People always ask me “why lemurs?” Why was this the animal species that I chose to study? I don’t have an exact answer for this.Continue reading
Driving from Antananarivo to Ranomafana
My first day in Madagascar was a difficult adjustment, but I feel much more comfortable now, especially since I am no longer sick. Mirana has been a great help with making me feel at homeContinue reading
Welcome to Madagascar
Hello all, I will be blogging my journey through Madagascar this summer. Thank you for reading! Before leaving on my trip I often heard things like “it’s going to be incredible!” or “you’re so lucky.”Continue reading