I had an incredible summer where I learned more about the issues I’m interested in, networked with professionals from the UN, WTO, and international NGOs, and met a fantastic group of people.
I had an incredible summer where I learned more about the issues I’m interested in, networked with professionals from the UN, WTO, and international NGOs, and met a fantastic group of people.
“The absence of women, particularly those from the global South, from national and international discussions and decision-making on climate change and development must change. The battle to protect the environment is not solely about technologicalContinue reading
On June 17th the Environmental Law Institute held a seminar about the shape and size that U.S. action on climate change could take at the upcoming Congress of the Parties in Paris 2015. Invited panelistsContinue reading
Ten thousand years ago, Rajasthan was lush and green. Ancient civilizations prospered off of the fertile farmlands fed by the Saraswati River. Today, the Saraswati River is both legend and history, as it appeared toContinue reading
Today I tuned in to a monthly webinar put on by one of our partners, Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), about the new Clean Power Plan and its implications for businesses. The talk was entitled “More Jobs,Continue reading
My first climate change adventure was to accompany my boss, Jake Schmidt, to a “Trilateral Dialogue” hosted by the World Resources Institute (WRI). The purpose of this reoccurring roundtable is to share knowledge and increaseContinue reading
I’m definitely not in the South anymore. Walking to the bus on my first day of my internship at the Natural Resources Defense Council, someone almost backed into me with their pickup truck and thenContinue reading
My time in Tanzania is winding to a close. I some ways, I have been everywhere this summer, and in some ways, I have been nowhere. Thinking back over the last three months, I canContinue reading
In only six hours, the tropical depression had become a full blown typhoon. I watched from my window into the early hours of the morning. Below me was a ghost town, not a car or person in sight, the trees looking small and helpless from the 8th floor as they whipped violently about. The steady waves of wind and water were illuminated by the streetlights, and I was lulled to sleep.