I came to Gabon to better understand how rural communities use and value their natural resources, and what factors might explain differences in villages across the region. This, of course, is an impossible task withoutContinue reading
Author: Nina Hamilton
Many rural communities in Gabon depend on bushmeat for both income and a source of protein, but demand for bushmeat has been on the rise as logging and mining operations set up shop. Local communities can play an important role in conserving wildlife in the face of these threats, particularly by incorporating local knowledge into wildlife management plans. My project will test a community value mapping technique to spatially map the value that communities place on their natural resources, combining that with wildlife density data to identify priority areas for protecting both social values and biodiversity. The resulting maps will also be a valuable tool for incorporating local values into community-based environmental management plans in this area.
Lessons in translation from the field
A foreign language can be great fun, but it can also be a great obstacle. It can be an even greater challenge for social research. Here in the Oogué-Ivindo region of Gabon, I am doingContinue reading
Photographic reflections from Gabon
I arrived in Gabon nearly 3 weeks ago to study how communities interact with their natural resources in a landscape where commercial bushmeat hunting is on the rise. The following 10 photos perfectly sum upContinue reading