Contaminated sites are often synonymous to barren, unproductive eye-sores. However, these sites hold tremendous potential to be transformed into assets that could propel Hawaii into a clean energy future.
Contaminated sites are often synonymous to barren, unproductive eye-sores. However, these sites hold tremendous potential to be transformed into assets that could propel Hawaii into a clean energy future.
As the first state with a mandate for 100 percent renewable generation, Hawaii is the hotbed for energy and technological innovation.
What comes to mind when you hear a friend leaving for Hawaii? Coconut palms swaying with the trade winds? Postcard worthy white-sand beaches speckled with lounge chairs and sunbathers? Or on a more sinister note,Continue reading
What comes to mind when you hear a friend leaving for Hawaii? Coconut palms swaying with the trade winds? Postcard worthy white-sand beaches speckled with lounge chairs and sunbathers? Or on a more sinisterContinue reading