I came to realize that “it’s complicated” adequately describes almost everything I’ve encountered in relation to Los Alamos and the Manhattan Project.
Author: Alexie Rudman

As my internship ended, I thought about this project and how it still feels incomplete. There are hundreds more stories needing to be told, people eager to be given a voice.
environmental health, internships, students, travel, Untold Stories of the Manhattan Project
Collateral Damage & Coloradan Escapades
Seventy-three years ago today, a fateful explosion altered the lives of the thousands of people living in communities around Alamogordo in a devastating and irrevocable way. White ash fell like warm snowflakes over the desertContinue reading
Taos Pueblo Corn Dance, New Mexico Ablaze, and an Oral History from the Manhattan Project

Deep voices wove and echoed rhythmically through the sun-baked pueblo and as I walked closer into the main plaza the source of these foreign chants were finally revealed. On the North and South sides ofContinue reading
Illness, Compensation, and Corruption: a Whistleblower’s Story
Sparkles of light ricochet off of Vero’s pale blue eyes. I am struck at first by his slightly unusual mannerisms, though it is apparent immediately that he is a very kind person. “Speak louder…I haveContinue reading
A lay of the land, an assault on parks and a powerful moment in Los Alamos

My first week as an NPCA intern has been filled with park visits and student tours, as well as conferences with other NPCA staff. I’ve been focused on getting a lay of the land and building relationships.
Arriving in New Mexico

My purpose in New Mexico is to document the impacts of the Manhattan Project on Pueblo tribes and Hispanic communities as well as their contributions to the project for the National Parks Conservation Association.