Midway (Mon. 1/25/10) – Duke Gardens West (Way West)

We visit two of the habitat restoration and creation projects that we worked on last year

On Monday we visited a fresh water seep that we worked on last year, helping to create habitat for the highly endangered Laysan duck.  We were happy to see about a dozen ducks paddling around and dozing on the shores of the seep.

Laysan Duck Habitat
Laysan Duck Habitat

And in the afternoon, as you will see from Amy’s blog entry, we pulled Verbesina  and planted bunchgrass along the road by Radar Hill.  The stretch we planted last year is doing beautifully, with mature bunchgrass plants interspersed with Laysan albatross nests.  The albatross seemed to appreciate the maintenance work and it was very rewarding to see the fruits of last year’s labors.


One thought on “Midway (Mon. 1/25/10) – Duke Gardens West (Way West)

  1. Thanks for posting these photos! Greg’s habitat restoration efforts are a refreshing reminder that sometimes effective conservation measures aren’t very complex and can be accomplished without a ton of money.

    Did you remember to make/bring a sign for Duke gardens (west)? If not, it should be a priority for next year!

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