Is it economically beneficial for fishermen to listen to scientists? “If you’re getting less than $2.50-3.00 you’re losing money,” says Hawaii Seafood Council Program Manager John Kaneko as he moves us out of the rainContinue reading
Category: alumni
How Stuff Gets Done
We started the day a little later than usual, which allowed us all much needed time to recover from the previous night’s festivities – a “surprise” Bubbies ice cream cake for our fearless leader AndyContinue reading
2015 Trip, alumni, CEM, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, PhD, students, travel
This is Our Classroom

Kenneth Norris, a pioneer marine mammal researcher who studied spinner dolphins in Hawaii, used to start his experiential field classes by saying “We’re off on the greatest adventure of our lives.” Today, we started theContinue reading
2011 Trip, alumni, coasts, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, travel
Day Thirteen (Jan. 30) – Last Day At Midway
Things never considered before the Midway experience Biking at night isn’t easy even with hat and bike lights. Big birds in the road (albatross) and overhead (petrels) and my own brand of night blindness makeContinue reading
2011 Trip, alumni, coasts, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, travel
Day Eight (Jan. 25) – A Fortunate Observer’s Comments
7 days with an accomplished group of Duke Environmental Management grad students deserves a commentary. Being the fly on the wall with this bunch is like a happy flea on a dog’s back. I’ve gotContinue reading