It’s easy to recount the events of a day in a blog. We went here, we met with so and so and we talked about blank. We include analogies, photos, quotes, whatever we can toContinue reading
Category: PhD
Heather Heenehan
2015 Trip, alumni, CEM, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, PhD, students, travel
2015 Trip, alumni, CEM, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, PhD, students, travel
This is Our Classroom

Kenneth Norris, a pioneer marine mammal researcher who studied spinner dolphins in Hawaii, used to start his experiential field classes by saying “We’re off on the greatest adventure of our lives.” Today, we started theContinue reading
Kenady Wilson
2014 Trip, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, PhD, students, travel
2014 Trip, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, marine studies, oceans, PhD, students, travel
Monk Seals and Mobile Lectures
Our last two days on Kauai were spent working with NOAAs Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program. The goal was to deploy a suite of instruments on 1-2 monk seals over the course of the week.Continue reading